4 research outputs found

    Strains of the Song 19 Hours: Music as a Keeper of Awareness for Jakarta-Palembang AKAP Drivers

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    AKAP bus is cross-city and provincial transportation in Indonesia. This research aims to observate the songs playlist on AKAP bus by looking at three aspects; form, function, and meaning. The purpose of this study consists of: 1) knowing the form of the song that is presented; 2) find out the function of the songs along the bus trips; 3) find out the meaning of the song. The method used in this research is a qualitative approach. The process of searching for data and information is carried out using interviews and field observations by recording audio and video. This study found the results that the type of music used on the Jakarta-Palembang AKAP Bus for the duration of the 19-hour journey is dominated by Dangdut, Indonesian Pop, and Regional Pop songs. The driver plays a playlist of songs randomly and repeatedly.

    Gabe Halak Batak; Batak Toba Ethnic Bodiedness Traditions as a Reference for Actor Training

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    Gabe Halak Batak is a term that was born from research on the bodiedness traditions of the Batak Toba people which means "Being a Batak Person". This research was conducted to take advantage of the bodiedness traditions of the Batak Toba Ethnic Community, one of which is Tortor. The author's interest in the tortor is because there are basic techniques in the tortor which are named metaphorically and through this naming can be an 'entrance' for actors in the process of exploring their physiology. In this study, the authors implemented it for actors from the Aka Bodi Theatre group in Medan who came from three different ethnicities. This study uses ethnographic and autoethnographic approaches in collecting data and interrogating the process of physiological exploration applied to acting training at the Aka Bodi Theatre. The results obtained are that each actor who participates in the training process experiences a variety of sensitivities related to the Batak Toba ethnic culture and has visual references regarding the creation of actions in the training

    Creation of 'Rentak Sumut' Dance Music As A Tourism Icon of North Sumatra

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    This research work aims to findout a new method of creating dance music 'Rentak Sumut' which is rooted in music local traditions of North Sumatra. The objectives of this research are to finding the method of creating dance music 'Rentak Sumut' as an icon of Sumatran tourism North and finding the method of promoting dance music 'Rentak Sumut' as an icon North Sumatra tourism. The method used in this research is a qualitative approach. The process of searching for data and information is carried out with the interview method deeply to the traditional musician of North Sumatra as informants. The study found that ‘Rentak Sumut’ dance music uses a dance rhythm that comes from music Malay tradition in the 6/8 bar with a medium tempo. Song lyrics describe nature, culture and geography of North Sumatra entirely. North Sumatra Rentak dance music is applied in various communities

    Musical biography of Sultan Sulaiman (Head of Serdang Sultanate V, 1880-1946) / Ifwanul Hakim

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    This work presents an academic study of the musical biography of Sultan Sulaiman, the fifth head of Serdang Sultanate, North Sumatera, Indonesia, in period 1880-1946. The discussion will lead to personal and cultural view including discussing the musical life of the Sultan and the impact of his musical thinking and activity for the cultural situation in the Sultanate. By personal, it will examine about the Sultan’s music spirit, thinking, and activity. Personally, as a violinist, it aims to find out how he learn, where the influence he got from, what type at repertoire, and the reason why he got interest into music. Moreover, it is interesting to analyse his own music composition that will be analise to framing his musical idea. While by socially will be concern on anything he did for music development in Serdang Sultanate during his commander and the impact after his period. In addition, this study will be presents in brief the correlation between Sultan’s music activity and the political situation at that time. Researcher provide some introduction throughout the reign of Sultan Sulaiman where Serdang live under Dutch colonialism for the longest time. By doing analysis for Sultan Sulaiman’s musical work, concludes that the main idea of his music is telling about his state and the ideas of nationalism. Then found that Sultan Sulaiman is the root of arts development in the Serdang Sultanate. This is evidenced by the many art activities he conserve and develop such as Nobat Diraja, Mak Yong, Brass Band, and Serampang Dua Belas dance. The activities he did on the past give many impact for art development in Serdang in nowadays. The spirit of art continious by his offsprings. It also stated that the art’s idea of Sultan Sulaiman is a part of political strategy. This research provide guidelines for future researcher who enthusiasm to doing research in musical biography to find more complete data in the form of text, images, as well as audio to get the better results. This research is divided into five chapters. Chapter 1 contains an introduction of the research, where the research background, research objective and research question is presented. Chapter 2 presents the literature review, which covers the literatures of the life background of Sultan Sulaiman, as well as music analysis theories in western and melayu approach that could be applied into this research. The research methodologies are explained thoroughly in chapter 3. Chapter 4 displays the discussion of the musical life of Sultan Sulaiman, as well as the analysis the musical work (composition) of Sultan Sulaiman. A summary and findings are highlighted in chapter 5, as well as suggestions for future researches